Construction bar Notation
Bar Notation like this
Which means there are 4 numbers of bar of Tor steel and bar diameter should be 10 millimetre and the bar mark is 01, next phrase means the bar should be placed 175 millimetre space form their center to center distant. and the final phrase means what is the bar location should be placed either top or bottom. according to this notation, the bar should be place in Bottom layer.
Bar type may be changed as requirement, there are several types of bar we have. such as
- T - Tor Steel
- Y - Yield Steel
- R - Round Steel
bar notation may be changed like this,
- T1 - Top outer layer
- T2 - means Top second layer
- B1 - Bottom outer layer
- B2 - Bottom second layer
In some bar notation syntax, more details may be contained after these all details, that could be bar model number and other branded useful information.
That's all and I think this may be helpful for you and the basics of bar notation when you working with bar nation. Thank you!
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